A long time ago, in a galaxy right here, this site had a user forum. That was its one nod to the concept of a fan community, and it disappeared when the software support was withdrawn.
There is a built-in membership system. It's a little quaint but it does work, so it's now been switched on. You can register and log in from the navigation menu — you'll also be prompted to do one of those if you land on a page that requires sign-in. The community hub will be built out over the course of this year. You'll see advance news and offers appearing, as well as gaining opportunities that others will never know about.
The Universe section of the site has received a makeover today, primarily focused on the Places section.
Updates have been made to canon as a result of these edits. Most of the details below have been in notes and plans, some even elsewhere on this site (e.g. on planetary profiles), but few have been specified in books — although for some that will change in WGSF.
With the release of A Storm to the Savage, quite a few background changes have also come to pass...
If you are not subscribed to the newsletter you may have missed the latest in terms of social media. There is a likelihood that the Armadaverse will be quitting Facebook. This web site remains the best source for all Armadaverse news and information. There is also now a linktr.ee account which will be kept up to date with the sites/pages which are active and or useful. The People pages under the Universe category have now been completed for all characters seen or mentioned so far in the Great War of the Shaeld series. At time of writing this literally includes every named character, from civilians seen in passing to each and every member of Tanker Regiment seen in the last book. [Edit: since this article was first posted, new index pages have also been added for all characters by surname, all the women, and all the men.] This feels like a great achievement, since there are over 100 named characters, many of them linked to various events throughout the four existing novels and beyond. The "upcoming characters" page has now been removed, so the new characters who will be arriving in Perseus Aflame will be added to this site when the first book from that series — On Vicious Wing — is actually approaching its release date. Some characters from the first of the upcoming GWOTS-era novellas, however, do have partial profiles on the site already. These are:
That novella is of course I Dream of Damastion, which should be released before the end of the year and may help to tide people over until the much-delayed release of Whom Gods Shall Fear. The protagonist of another upcoming novella — A Storm to the Savage — also now has her own page. Watch this space. For serious fans of the Armadaverse, it's highly recommended that you take a deep dive into lore by reading the background and insights into your favourite characters! The web site just keeps getting bigger, better, and badder! Here's whats been added or changed in the past week or so:
There have been yet more additions and improvements this weekend. Strap yourself in!
It's always good to know that people are visiting the site and poring over the information here, so feel free to comment.
Independent writing is not particularly profitable, and it takes a great deal of time. If you want to help guarantee the future of this series, and ensure that books keep coming according to the great big game plan, there are some ridiculously powerful things you can do:
As you probably know this whole series is produced independently, without any backing from a publisher, agent, or marketing firm. It relies mostly on your word of mouth to generate interest amongst potential new readers! You are the best chance it has of continuing and growing. Encountered a term in an Armada Wars book and not sure what it means? Fear not. The brand new Glossary was added to the Universe section today.
The glossary is not yet exhaustive, but it does come quite close. It will of course continue to grow as new volumes are released in the Armadaverse, because every new book means new strange things with strange names. A new category was sneaked into the Universe section this week, and it adds eighteen Technology articles! This section will be under continuous development, with more entries being made as more technology is revealed in upcoming releases. Also this week... the book pages were all given a makeover to remove clutter, improve appearance for mobile devices, add images for external destinations like Amazon and Audible, and introduce a touch of per-book colour theming. If you're a regular visitor to the site you probably noticed these changes sneaking in over the past two weeks. If not, here they all are:
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