This page lists all named star systems by their galactic region.
Orion Arm Systems
Solar SystemThe birthplace of humanity, and administrative centre of the entire First Unified Imperial Combine.
The location of Earth. |
Ankhar's StarThe planetary system around this Orion arm star was one of those known to have been invaded by the Shaeld Hratha, during the early days of the 3745 invasion.
Axicon SystemFar downstream on the Orion arm, almost at the trailing end of the arm, lies the Axicon system. It is the location of Damastion, the only known class zero planet other than Earth itself.
Bennethium SystemBennethium is an Orion arm star system with only one habitable planet, most notable for its confusing choice of name: Bennethium.
Beta Tricomis SystemThis Orion arm system contains no planets whatsoever. In 3745 ELC it was used as a staging area by the Imperial Navy, prior to Operation Sabre.
Breig Eta SystemOne of seven gravitationally bound star systems on the Orion arm, Breig Eta is best known as the location of Imperial Combine colony world Aldava.
Cerina SystemThis Orion arm system is the location of two planets which could not be more different in socio-economic terms — High Cerin and Low Cerin.
Firachi SystemLittle is recorded of this Orion arm star system at the current time. It is known, however, to be represented amongst Eyes and Ears by an invigilator.
Herses SystemAn economically and strategically important system which forms an important hub in the gate network of the Orion arm.
The location of Ramm Stallahad, and Hepira shipyards. |
Kementhast SystemThis economically important Orion arm system is the location of Kementhast Prime, and houses a Kenita-Deng starship component factory.
Kosling SystemAn Orion arm system which was the location of Fort Kosling, before its destruction at the hands of Amarist Naeb.
Meccrace SystemA key Imperial Combine system on the Orion arm, this was the first planetary system to experience an overt assault in the early stages of the Shaeld Hrathan invasion.
Othelräd SystemA strategically vital system on the Orion arm, and the location of Palanda Ire — the site of most high-end fabrication undertaken by Imperial Combine businesses.
Roumhale SystemThe Orion arm Roumhale system is claimed by the Imperial Combined, and supports at least one of their facilities, but has undergone little development since colonisation efforts began.
Serrofus SystemLocated on the Orion arm, the Serrofus system is an example of a planetary system harbouring intelligent native life. The Mastalekt are one of the races now combined into the Empire.
Shuul-Ind SystemAn Orion arm system named for its only two planets, both of them inhabited by Imperial Combine colonies.
Perseus Arm Systems
Chion SystemA Perseus arm system colonised by the Imperial Combine, this was the site of one of two pivotal engagements of the Perseus conflict.
Gousk SystemThis Perseus arm system is named Gousk after the Viskr-occupied planet it contains. The Viskr name for the star is not known.
Hujjur SystemA Perseus arm system colonised by the Imperial Combine, and the closest Imperial territory to the Viskr-held Gousk system.
Komistir SystemThis system is the location of Mibes, one of the most technologically advanced and strategically valuable Imperial Combine worlds on the Perseus arm.
Laeara SystemA key Perseus arm system providing quick travel access from the Orion arm via a prime gate. It has been the location of several historically important conflicts.
Sampta Chfum SystemLocation of Riishi, the Viskr home planet. The name of this Perseus arm system is believed to have special meaning to the Viskr, but it has never been translated by the Imperial Combine.
Sagittarius Arm Systems
Amuthion SystemLittle is recorded of this Sagittarius arm star system at the current time. It is known, however, to be represented amongst Eyes and Ears by an invigilator.
Broher SystemLittle is recorded of this Sagittarius arm star system at the current time. It is known, however, to be represented amongst Eyes and Ears by an invigilator.
Kol Pent SystemLittle is recorded of this Sagittarius arm star system at the current time. It is known, however, to be represented amongst Eyes and Ears by an invigilator.
Procyus SystemLittle is recorded of this Sagittarius arm star system at the current time, other than it is under the control of the Imperial Combine.
Shalleon SystemThe Shalleon system is a major military stronghold on the Sagittarius arm of the galaxy, controlled by the Imperial Combine.
Carina Arm Systems
Ewarrn SystemThis Carina arm system is the location of the Kibriani home world.
Yuacc SystemThe centre of a huge confederation of aligned worlds and species, the Yuacc system is the location of the Lem Bataan home world, Phnemaph.
Deep Shadows Systems
60125 SystemAn unnamed star system just inside the Deep Shadows. The fifth planet, known to some as Echo, was at one point an Imperial Combine colonisation candidate.
Parable SystemRight at the edge of the Deep Shadows, the Parable system once played host to the colony world Parable Light. That devastated planet is now more widely known as Woe Tantalum.
Also See:
- Places Overview
- Star Systems by Region
- Star Systems By Faction
- The Many Worlds
- Incidental Planets
- Uninhabited Planets