The colonisation of space is by its very nature a technologically demanding enterprise, as are the needs of keeping territories secure and furnished with resources. The following pages include details on some of the technologies employed in the Armadaverse.
Civilian & Open Tech:
CommunicationsCommunicating across thousands of light years is a difficult proposition. Even within a single star system, information can be minutes old when it is received.
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HolosPart physical, part electromagnetic, a holo is everybody's best friend. These devices can do everything from routing calls to running entire starships.
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PlasteelPlasteel is a ubiquitous wonder material. It can be found in virtually all items manufactured within Imperial space, since it has a huge range of applications.
PolybotsPolybots are an adaptable line of robots built around an open and modular framework. They are used for many different tasks, including as weapons.
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PRAISE UnitsProblem: you love dogs, you need a mobile sensor platform, and you only have space for one of those in your cargo allocation.
Solution: take a PRAISE Unit. Vertical Divider
Prem UnitsThe towering Penvos Robotics Exterior Maintenance unit is an autonomous utility droid, capable of working in environments which would be lethal to humans.
Wormholes and GatesMost of the space-faring civilisations known to humanity use some variation of the same basic travel technology: gravitationally induced wormholes.
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XtrylliumCosting a huge ♁1.3bn per kilo, xtryllium is a precious resource indeed. It allows wormhole formation, and is also a key component in artificial gravity systems.
CAGA Tech:
Mag-TagsMag-Tags are a type of secure, magnetic mounting point which can be used to stow small arms safely aboard vehicles, or lock them in place on personal armour.
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10/W Compact MinigunThe Lancillon Industries model 10/W compact minigun is lightweight but packs a devastating punch, particularly at short range. It is designed to be worn.
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Density GrenadesAnti-personnel grenades which detonate to release a burst of mist. The mist foams up rapidly then hardens on reacting with air, trapping opponents within.
Kodiak GTV-6Need a ride? The Kodiak GTV-6 is the Imperial Combine's primary APC, designed for quick journeys across hostile terrain. It can be dropped by landers.
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Gorilla GSPThe Gorilla is a ground superiority platform. Heavily armed and armoured, and semi-autonomous, it can clear and holding hostile terrain with ease.
Naval Tech:
Military Ship TypesThere is no single ship design which can perform all necessary tasks optimally; it is impossible to manufacture a combat vessel which can be all things at all times.
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Quarantine NetworksWhether you want to keep people away from a planet or keep them on it, a quarantine network is the right tool for the job.
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Starship WeaponsMany species take the simple view that 'momentum hurts', and employ weapon systems which use physical ordnance and appropriate countermeasures.
Starship DefencesIt is not enough to be able to strike out at enemy vessels; a starship must be able to evade, counter, or endure the weapons fire of another ship.
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Stealth SystemsThe ability to evade detection can be a huge advantage. Although there is no true stealth in space, various methods have arisen for confusing enemy sensors.
Viskr Tech:
BlitzersSimilar to an Imperial Combine drone, a blitzer is a small, aerial device which can fly over battlefields and quickly despatch enemy combatants.
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SkulkersSkulkers are used by the Viskr Junta as patrol and ambush devices. They are terrifying both in concept and in contact, and have inspired many grim tales.