Elm CadenElm Caden is an Imperial Shard, an operative appointed by the sovereign herself to protect the interests of the Imperial Combine at any cost.
Rendir ThroamRendir Throam is Elm Caden's trusted counterpart; a soldier who acts both as a bodyguard and an enforcer. He is responsible for keeping Caden alive.
Euryce EilentesEuryce Eilentes was a commercial pilot before retraining for the Imperial Navy. She then earned her Emancipation Card, and became Caden's executive pilot.
Maber CastigonOnce Elm Caden's counterpart, Castigon disgraced himself and spent ten years in an Imperial Combine prison. After his release, he set about seeking revenge on those who put him there.
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VoiceVoice's true identity is not yet known. What is known is that he or she is somehow at the centre of current events, and has objectives which may bring disaster to the Imperial Combine.
Rex Bel-KenitaReximillian Bel-Kenita is an academic who traded his expertise in physics for safe passage home to Damastion. The decision had consequences...
Marlay SaccarMarlay Saccar is a field agent working for Eyes and Ears. During the Great War of the Shaeld she was active on the surface of Palanda Ire.