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OverviewCaptain Helia Thande is the commanding officer of the ICS Disputer, a Glory-class heavy carrier of the Imperial Navy's Fifth Fleet.
Since very early on in the current crisis, Thande has had involvement in Elm Caden's attempts to protect the Imperial Combine from Voice and the Shaeld Hratha. She has proven herself to be extremely capable in her efforts, and willing to accept Caden's educated guesses as to what the great enemy is trying to achieve. Thande has also been quick to assess the threat and implement her own countermeasures aboard ship. PersonalityThande has a reputation for being brusque and overly-formal. She is a however a consummate professional, and fervently loyal to the Navy. She is very much known for ensuring she gets the job done, and rarely allows herself to be distracted from her primary objective. She has demonstrated on several occasions that she is willing to step up and take control of a bad situation when the need arises.
Notable EventsOn 19th March 3745 ELC, Captain Thande arrived at the Battle of Woe Tantalum, at the head of a task force sent to reinforce ICS Hammer. Although Hammer had been overwhelmed by that point, Disputer and her companion ships were able to drive off the hostile forces still present in the system (→SFTD).
Captain Thande sent search and rescue teams to the surface of Woe Tantalum, to aid in the recovery of personnel and key assets (→LOTD). Thande later ferried Elm Caden and his companions, along with Bullseye Company, to Mibes. While Caden's team travelled to the surface to extract key Eyes and Ears personnel and the planet's leaders, Thande and the Disputer remained in orbit. There they took part in a large scale fleet engagement against Viskr naval forces (→LOTD). Shortly after the Second Liberation of Mibes, Thande travelled to the Meccrace system where she played a pivotal role in the Battle of Meccrace Prime, fighting in the first known open conflict against a Shaeld Hrathan fleet (→LOTD). Thande continued to assist Elm Caden, ferrying him to Earth for his meeting with the Empress. She later transported him to Fort Herses for a conference with Eyes and Ears, before taking part in the critical Operation Keystone and the associated in-system conflict close to the colony world Guathelia (→TRD). Thande's last destination was the Viskr homeworld, Riishi, where Imperial forces hoped to evacuate the Viskr Junta's cabinet members in the face of a massive Shaeld Hrathan invasion (→TRD). Disputer was critically damaged during that engagement, taking on boarders from a ship which collided with her before latching on, and later having an entire flight deck bombed from within by a Rasa agent. A running battle was necessary aboard the ship to purge all Rasa and Shaeld Hratha intruders, and serious damage was done before the situation was brought under control. Non-critical personnel and their belongings were then transferred to other ships. After returning to Fort Laeara the Disputer received some very sparse emergency repairs (→FSS). Thande was last seen preparing to join the Mattakavi campaign, despite the condition of her ship. The fact that she was ordered to do so when the Disputer was operating at half-capacity indicated to her just how desperate the Imperial Navy had become by that point. Associates: |