The first series from the Armada Wars universe, the Great War of the Shaeld chronicles a sinister, stealthy invasion of staggering proportions.
This series incorporates a mix of drama, warfare, suspense, mystery, and creeping fear, and is regularly cited by readers as being a true page-turner. GWOTS introduces the culture, politics, and technology of the Armadaverse, as well as a number of pivotal characters. The most notable of these are Elm Caden, Rendir Throam, Euryce Eilentes, Bruiser, and Maber Castigon. The principal villain of the series is the entity referred to as Voice (spoiler warning for that link), along with its allies, the Shaeld Hratha (also spoilery). This series can be read on Kindle, by purchasing outright or through a Kindle Unlimited subscription. Paperbacks are available on Amazon, from the store on this site, and through major book retailers such as Waterstones, Blackwells, and Barnes and Noble. There are links on each book page for all purchase options. |
Main Sequence Novels:
Expansion Episodes:
Major Themes:
Key Elements:
Reader Responses:
"A series of great novels ... they have become one of my all time favorites."
"A hidden gem ... on the edge of my seat the entire time."
"One of a few series where I pre-purchase books without waiting for reviews!"
"You have to read this series,
it will not disappoint."
it will not disappoint."
"Gripping intergalactic suspense and intrigue in cut-glass prose."