Groath BetombeA veteran of the Perseus Conflict.
Admiral Betombe's tactical insights led to victory at both the Siege of Laeara and the Battle of Chion, bringing the last Viskr war to a swift close. |
Aker SantaniCaptain of the Imperial Combine Starship Hammer, Santani is a loyal and fearless CO. She is as dedicated to the needs of the Empire as she is protective of her ship's crew.
Helia ThandeHelia Thande commands the ICS Disputer, a heavy carrier which has ferried Elm Caden during many of his most crucial missions. She is formal and brusque, but an exemplary officer nonetheless.
Occre BrantBrant is an intelligence operator in the Empire's Eyes and Ears bureau. He was stationed at Fort Kosling until its sabotage and destruction, and is now working indirectly for Elm Caden.
Peras TirranoPeras Tirrano is an Eyes and Ears intelligence officer who works closely with Occre Brant. She is infatuated with him, despite his lack of interest. She is known for being effective but ruthless.
Herik PammonHerik Pammon was a survivor of the disaster which befell the colony world now known as Woe Tantalum. He was often used as a mouthpiece by the entity which the Empire calls Voice.
Amarist NaebAmarist Naeb was a geologist who disappeared in the Deep Shadows in 3745. She later reappeared unexpectedly on an Imperial research station, and was the first person to be identified as a Rasa.
Zolyn FeiorZolyn Feior is a sergeant in Tanker Regiment's 1085th Battalion, responsible for Squad Four of Downfall Company. His unit took part in the Second Liberation of Mibes, and later assisted Elm Caden.
Bear MtengaBear takes the term 'Tanker' to the next level. Built like a mountain, and willing to take on Skulkers in close combat, he is without any doubt a considerable force to be reckoned with.
Also See:
- Main Characters
- Secondary Characters
- Minor Characters
- Every Character by Surname
- All the Women
- All the Men