Whom Gods Shall Fear is well on the way, with over half the planned word count finished despite the fact that only a third of the chapter spine is filled out. This might actually be the one book where a lot goes in the editing stage! Or it could just end up being double the length, guess we'll find out.
The book is planned to arrive later this year. When it does land it will end the main story of this series, and conclude the Great War of the Shaeld. In preparation for this release, the People section of the site has been updated. Almost all characters who will be in WGSF are now marked as such on their bio pages. Those where it is uncertain at this stage if they will be written in have been left without the link, as has one character in particular whose appearance is intended to be a sickening surprise. Those of you who enjoyed the introduction to the crew of the Leo Fortune will be pleased to hear that they will be making an appearance. We may also encounter Hywen, last seen in A Storm to the Savage, and Doctor Berris, who played a small role in I Dream of Damastion. In fact... many characters who have only had small moments so far will be turning up to watch the galactic bonfire, and some of them will be bringing marshmallows. The theme of 'consequences' may well play a significant role in this finalé... Happy August!
It's been a while, and you probably thought everything had ground to a halt in the Armadaverse. But fear not, for the wheels are always turning. When the blurb dropped for volume one of Perseus Aflame some people got so excited that a little bit of wee came out. You still have to wait until 2023–2024, but in about five seconds you will know what you're actually waiting for. The volume one book page has now been updated with the actual title... Independent writing is not particularly profitable, and it takes a great deal of time. If you want to help guarantee the future of this series, and ensure that books keep coming according to the great big game plan, there are some ridiculously powerful things you can do:
As you probably know this whole series is produced independently, without any backing from a publisher, agent, or marketing firm. It relies mostly on your word of mouth to generate interest amongst potential new readers! You are the best chance it has of continuing and growing. Some more improvements to the site this week:
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