On the bridge of the Imperial Combine warship Hand of Tyr, seasoned captain Rathacai Vallister hopes she will never again behold an entire planet wreathed in flame.
On the developing Imperial world of Baujaan, far from meddling Earth, reluctant colonist Jormun Fenn hopes his young family will prosper and flourish. In the treacherous citadel of the Viskr homeworld, novice proctor Muune Kysk Golkir hopes that her Junta’s rabid warmongering is merely the rhetoric of the day. But on the Perseus arm of the galaxy, the friction of two empires meeting is liable to create a spark. And with habitable worlds now a contested resource, all those who hope for peace will do so in vain. On Vicious Wing is the first volume of the Perseus Aflame trilogy.
Sit on your hands:
This is the holding page for the opener of the Perseus Aflame series, a trilogy which chronicles events of the legendary Perseus conflict.
This volume is a future release, and the expected publication date is likely to be late 2024 or early 2025.
As with previous volumes, the Kindle eBook and paper editions will be released as close together as is practicable. The Kindle eBook will be available for purchase, and to subscribers of Kindle Unlimited, as soon as the book is released. MatchBook copies will be claimable as soon as the paper edition is available.
This volume is a future release, and the expected publication date is likely to be late 2024 or early 2025.
As with previous volumes, the Kindle eBook and paper editions will be released as close together as is practicable. The Kindle eBook will be available for purchase, and to subscribers of Kindle Unlimited, as soon as the book is released. MatchBook copies will be claimable as soon as the paper edition is available.
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