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OverviewThe Chamberlain is a high-level functionary in the court of the Empress Ecoria Faustrathes Maerane, and as such he has some degree of influence on the politics of the Imperial Combine.
Despite him having no official power of his own, he is often treated with a high level of respect by the leaders within all governmental and military bodies. As is commonplace for people occupying roles similar to his, the Chamberlain can be obsequious and sycophantic, while simultaneously offering insights and suggestions to the monarch without waiting for leave to speak. The Chamberlain is frequently used as a go-between, to deliver reports to the Empress from her Shards and to relay Her orders back to them. The resistance the Chamberlain showed to Elm Caden, who asked several times for him to arrange direct communication between Caden and the Throne, indicates just how well the Chamberlain recognises the truly privileged position he is in. The Chamberlain has a number of distinct speech characteristics which become more numerous and more evident with increasing stress. This can be used as a barometer for others to gauge how comfortable he is with the news or orders he is to deliver to them, or the reports which he is being asked to return to the monarch. At no point in Elm Caden's career as a Shard has he ever heard the Chamberlain's actual name being spoken aloud. |